The Last of Us Remastered – Started!
Ok what I may say now may rile some of you guys up, but I’ve never played The Last of Us when it came out on the PS3. About 2 months before it came out my PS3 disc drive went faulty, and ever since then I stopped buying PS3 games. So I have always been aware of the game and the comments my friends said to about it.
So on Friday (1st August) I went and bought it from my local retailer. My friend told me if I don’t cry in the first 20 minutes of the game then I’m not human Ha!. So at the time of writing this article right now I’m 2 hours in and I’m enjoying the game. I can tell straight away this is a highly-produced game and I’m looking forward to completing it. Here’s some screenshots so far.
- Near the beginning
- Hidey hide
- Time to die (Literally)
- Group chat
- Sleep 1
- Wake up
- Overlook
- Chat
Once I have finished the game I’ll come back and write a proper take on the game.
Time to die! #TheLastOfUsRemastered #PS4share #PS4 #Gaming #Glitch
— UnconventionalGamer (@UnconvenGamer) August 4, 2014